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Delaware budget battle: What to do with extra $350 million in revenue

When Gov. John Carney unveiled his $4.25 billion budget proposal, he was asked what the biggest challenge would be in selling the 3.5-percent spending bump to lawmakers. His response: Convincing them not to spend even more. That job has gotten harder since January. Delaware is now expected to rake in $350 million in added revenue […]

End of Session Wrap Up

by J.L. Haynes, Public Policy & Advocacy Manager After a busy legislative session, the first half of General Assembly 152 ended on Friday, June 30th with exciting fanfare, swearing in of a new Speaker of the House, and electing new House Majority Leadership.   Representative Peter Schwartzkopf announced that he would be stepping down as Speaker […]

End of Legislative Session but #DENonprofitsSpeakUp Continues

June 30th marked the final day of the first half of the 151st General Assembly. While everyone continues to adapt to the new normal of life amidst COVID, the legislature impressively onboarded new members and forged ahead with a hybrid session. As many of you know, DANA advocated to policymakers this year to address the […]

Delaware Grantmakers hire new President and CEO

For Immediate Release: The Delaware Grantmakers Association would like to announce the selection of Cynthia Pritchard, CFRE as its new President and CEO. Cynthia will fill the vacancy created by Wil Sherk’s retirement as the President and CEO. The selection was made after a national search and selection process. Cynthia will begin her work for DGA in […]

DANA Welcomes New Board Members and Renews Terms for Current Directors

Wilmington, DE – July 25, 2024 – DANA, the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement, announced at its annual meeting of its members the election of four new Board Directors, each serving a three-year term.   The newly elected board members are:  Additionally, two current board members—Guillermina Gonzalez of Wilmington University and Tom Sheridan of The Sheridan […]