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Board Member

Our Mission

The mission of the Friends of Fort DuPont is to engage in community revitalization, preserve Fort DuPont's resources, and economic development through arts and cultural enrichment.

Mission Area

Cultural Preservation

About Our Organization 

We are a new organization with our first meeting being held in September 2024.  We realize we have much to learn, but we do have a dedicated Board.  We are interested in rounding out our skill set.  This is an exciting opportunity for someone to get involved in the early stages of development of this new nonprofit.

We are tasked with representing the 215 acre Fort DuPont campus in Delaware City, DE.  One of our main goals is to support the work of the Fort DuPont Redevelopment and Preservation Corporation (

Board Meeting Details

Our board meets on weekday evenings virtually or in the New Castle County Middletown Area

We are a small board of less than 10 people with no committees

Board Needs

We are especially interested in candidates with the following skills: Event Planning, Project Management, Communications and PR

Number of board openings: Multiple

We are not seeking to fill a specific officer position.

Our board does require an annual financial contribution from members of $100

Our board asks our members to participate in fundraising: Give or get a specific amount, help with asking, help with planning and prospecting