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DANA Nonprofit Accelerator

Empowering Change, Amplifying Impact

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Image of the DANA Accelerator logo

Empowering Small Nonprofits
to Scale Their Impact

Are you a nonprofit organization serving historically excluded communities in Delaware? Do you wish to scale your impact, strengthen your leadership, and enhance your organizational capacity? Look no further! The DANA Nonprofit Accelerator Program is here to support and guide you on your transformative journey. 

 About the DANA Nonprofit Accelerator Program: A three-year initiative designed to empower existing small nonprofits to thrive and create lasting change. We understand that many nonprofits face the “Nonprofit Catch 22,” where limited resources hinder their ability to sustain operations and secure funding to grow and meet the rising needs of those they serve. 

This Program aims to break this cycle by providing continuous technical assistance, coaching, connecting, and consulting to participating nonprofits. By strengthening leadership skills, enhancing organizational capacity, and fostering shared learning through a cohort model, we create opportunities for collaboration, partnership, and increased community impact. 

Nonprofit Eligibility: 

  • Are you a small Delaware nonprofit with an annual operating budget of less than $3 million? 
  • Do you serve historically excluded Delaware communities?  
  • Are you recognized as an organization that makes a positive difference in your community?  
  • Do you have a full-time paid executive director?  

Program Highlights: 

  • Continuous technical assistance and coaching 
  • Customized cohort workshops for shared learning and potential partnerships 
  • Access to DANA workshops and on-demand courses 
  • Peer Learning Cohort for Executive Directors 
  • Bank of technical assistance and organizational support hours 
  • Dedicated program navigator for personalized support 
  • Three years of DANA Membership   

Intro to the DANA Nonprofit Accelerator Program

Are You Accelerator Ready

Accelerator Program Details

Accelerator Application Process

Frequently Asked Questions

Still Have Questions?

This program is made possible in part thanks to funding provided by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).