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DANA Launches Board Connections

Photo of Dan Davis, DANA Engagement Manager

Bridging Community Members and Businesses with Nonprofit Board Service Opportunities

June 28, 2024—Wilmington, DE—DANA, the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement, proudly announces the launch of Board Connections, a one-of-a-kind matchmaking and skill development program. This innovative initiative is a unique opportunity for community members and businesses to make a meaningful impact through nonprofit board service.

Participating in Board Connections can provide numerous advantages for businesses, offering them a chance to not only enhance their reputation in the community but also foster a sense of community connection and fulfillment among employees, which can significantly boost employee retention. This program is a win-win for businesses, community leaders, and the community.

“Through DANA’s Board Connections program, people can find rewarding ways to give back to the community while enhancing their professional skills and networks,” said Dan Davis, DANA Program Director. “The program exemplifies a commitment to corporate social responsibility and community engagement.”

Board Connections offers a pathway for community members to assume leadership roles and drive meaningful change within their communities. The program also supports nonprofit organizations as a valuable resource for:

  • Diversifying Boards: Connecting with certified candidates from diverse backgrounds and skill sets.
  • Improving Board Functionality: Leveraging the expertise of well-trained board members.
  • Ongoing Development: Accessing DANA’s workshops, consulting services, and additional training opportunities.

As part of their ongoing support for board development, DANA provides resources like its upcoming Board Chair & CEO Nonprofit Leadership Series to provide an opportunity for the Board Chair and Executive reflect on strategies to engage their boards strategically. Starting September 5, 2024, this four-part series is a comprehensive program designed to equip board chairs, incoming chairs, and executive directors with the tools and insights necessary to navigate challenges and pursue opportunities effectively. The series provides a platform for participants to define and refine their strategies for organizational success and community impact.

To learn more about Board Connections visit


DANA is committed to strengthening, enhancing, and advancing the nonprofit sector by providing low-cost professional development, consulting, and advocacy support for nonprofit leaders and boards of directors. For more information, visit DANA’s website at