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Develop a nonprofit marketing action plan in 8 steps

by Patricia V. Rivera, Hook PR & Marketing Running your nonprofit without a fully formed marketing plan is like driving without a map. Maybe you arrive at your destination, but not without detours and roadblocks. Use the right path by developing a marketing action plan. These 8 steps will get you going:    1. Know […]

With Budget Markup Upon Us the Time to Act Is Now

Over the course of the last 3 months the Joint Finance Committee has been diligently walking through the Governor’s Recommended Budget for FY 2020, hearing presentations from each agency. Β I know many of our members have taken the time out to address the JFC at these hearing regarding the work our state’s nonprofits are doing […]

Conversations with the Community: Nicola Wedderburn, the International Literacy Association

Meet Nicola Wedderburn, Executive Director of the International Literacy Association (ILA) – an organization that connects research and practice to improve the quality of literacy learning across the globe in ways that are respectful, responsive, and ethical. They advocate for equitable access to literacies among individuals of all ages and diverse communities as a basic […]

Press Release: DANA Announces Board Leadership Changes

Wilmington, DE – The Board of Directors of DANA, the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement, has elected new leadership for a two-year term beginning in 2023.  Fayetta M. Blake succeeds Dominic Canuso as Board Chair. Ms. Blake is the founder and Executive Director of Pathways to Success, Inc. as well as an entrepreneur with businesses […]

U.S. Department of Labor Proposed Overtime Regulation

The U.S. Department of Labor has proposed an update to the Fair Labor Standards Act, the law dictating what American employees are eligible for overtime pay. These proposed adjustments make more employees eligible for overtime. The fullΒ proposed rule updating the overtime salary thresholdΒ is available for review. Under the current law for workers to be exempt […]