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Advocating for Nonprofits During Election Cycles: What to Ask Candidates

by Melissa Hopkins, Executive Vice President of Sector Engagement

“Don’t tell me what you value, show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.” 
— President Joe Biden 

As civic-minded philanthropic funders, election cycles present unique opportunities to advocate on behalf of nonprofit organizations. Candidates and incumbents vying for public office are seeking your vote—this is the perfect time to ask them how they have historically supported, or plan to support, the nonprofit sector. Do not hesitate to request concrete examples of their plans.  

In election years, many acknowledge the importance of nonprofit work, but that acknowledgment does not always translate into equitable investments or policies that truly benefit the sector. 

Below are some key questions you can ask candidates or elected officials seeking your vote or contributions to gauge their commitment to the nonprofit sector: 

  • Nonprofits provide essential services on behalf of the government but are often paid below market rates for these services. How do you plan to address this inequity? 
  • How do you intend to involve nonprofits and the communities they serve in the policymaking process? 
  • Nonprofits are small businesses that directly impact the economy while delivering positive social outcomes. How do you plan to invest in this sector? 

If a candidate or elected official cannot clearly articulate their stance on these critical issues, please suggest they reach out to the DANA Policy Team for further information or visit our website at