Evaluation Matters
Posted:by Pamela Leland A truism in strategic planning is that you’ll never get there if you don’t know where you’re going. The same principle applies to program evaluation … i.e., you’ll never be able to document your impact if you don’t know what you are trying to accomplish. As someone who is, by nature, both […]
Fresh New Year Brings New Policy Priorities for Delaware Nonprofits
Posted:by Melissa Hopkins – January 19, 2022 Each January 1st, when the calendar flips over to a new year, I find myself filled with hope and excitement for new possibilities. Most of those are related to the Delaware General Assembly and the start of a new legislative session beginning in the first few weeks of […]
End of Legislative Session but #DENonprofitsSpeakUp Continues
Posted:June 30th marked the final day of the first half of the 151st General Assembly. While everyone continues to adapt to the new normal of life amidst COVID, the legislature impressively onboarded new members and forged ahead with a hybrid session. As many of you know, DANA advocated to policymakers this year to address the […]
Sheila Bravo – WDEL Interview – #DENonprofitsSpeakUp
Posted:Listen to Sheila Bravo’s interview with Peter MacArthur on WDEL. #DENonprofitsSpeakUp Campaign
Nonprofits Must Unite for the Final Stretch in June
Posted:Does anyone else get the excited flutter and the existential dread that comes in the time period following the end of the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) completing Budget Markup and the return of the entire General Assembly for the final leg of Legislative Session. No? Just me? Well, this year has left us all with […]
Spring Showers Bloom Legislative Actions
Posted:That is how the saying goes, right? Spring in Delaware offers rain, second winter for a few weeks, and a plethora of legislative activity. It is hard to believe that we are mid-way through the 2021 legislative session, and that despite the General Assembly not meeting in person, it has been a very busy season. […]