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Public Policy

Sponsored by Government and nonprofits work together to advance social impact within local communities.  DANA informs Delaware nonprofits on the implications of government policy change while advocating for the needs of its members with policymakers at the county, state, and federal levels. Nonprofit Voter Engagement Guide Encouraging voter engagement is essential for a thriving democracy. […]

Celebrating our Impact: Sussex County Health Coalition

For 11 years, the Sussex County Health Coalition (SCHC) has engaged the entire community in a collaborative family-focused effort to improve the health outcomes in Sussex County. SCHC, a DANA member, has over 174 partner organizations and 400+ individual members working towards advocacy, awareness, and action.  SCHC hosts multi-sector committees addressing health from different lenses. Monthly, the […]

DANA Advocacy Update

by JL Haynes This past month the General Assembly was on break while the Joint Finance Committee reviewed the Governor’s Recommended Budget, hearing brief presentations from each state agency. DANA provided testimony in many of them, reminding JFC of the importance of adjusting contract rates and grant levels to reflect rising costs. We were thrilled […]

With Budget Markup Upon Us the Time to Act Is Now

Over the course of the last 3 months the Joint Finance Committee has been diligently walking through the Governor’s Recommended Budget for FY 2020, hearing presentations from each agency.  I know many of our members have taken the time out to address the JFC at these hearing regarding the work our state’s nonprofits are doing […]

#SupportDENonprofits: Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay

In 1912 when Juliette Gordon Low started Girl Scouts, she saw an opportunity to make sure that girls and women were part of creating history, and Girl Scouts was born. Today Girl Scouts unleashes the G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)TM in every girl, preparing her for a lifetime of leadership. The Girl Scout Leadership Experience […]

Governor John Carney Released his Recommended Budget

Governor John Carney released his recommended budget, the Joint Finance Committee and General Assembly will work on the best final version between now and June 30th. As always, we strive to get breaking news to you. So here are the latest 2018 Delaware State Budget resources you can use to be in the know. We […]