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A Bright Future When the Board Chair and CEO are a Strong Team

Imagine being a board chair and feeling like you made a difference today, if for no one else, at least the person that makes the day-to-day awesomeness happen. Imagine being the CEO and feeling you have a trusted thought partner to turn to who knows you, the organization, and the community. These were some of […]

It Takes Two to Make Things Go Right

In a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous), the leadership of a nonprofit organization must be able to be proactive and respond to the happenings. This begins with the leadership dyad of the Board Chair and Executive Director. Together, this leadership team, has the ability to set the tone for the organization and its capacity […]

Nonprofits relieved after budget deal restores grant funds

by Karl Baker Employees and volunteers at Delaware nonprofits breathed a collective sigh of relief Monday after learning that state financial contributions to charities will be restored. Using a hodgepodge of marginal tax increases and budget cuts, lawmakers agreed to reverse the elimination of the state’s grant-in-aid program, which scores of Delaware nonprofits have come to rely […]

Public Policy

Sponsored by Government and nonprofits work together to advance social impact within local communities.  DANA informs Delaware nonprofits on the implications of government policy change while advocating for the needs of its members with policymakers at the county, state, and federal levels. Nonprofit Voter Engagement Guide Encouraging voter engagement is essential for a thriving democracy. […]

#SupportDENonprofits: Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay

In 1912 when Juliette Gordon Low started Girl Scouts, she saw an opportunity to make sure that girls and women were part of creating history, and Girl Scouts was born. Today Girl Scouts unleashes the G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)TM in every girl, preparing her for a lifetime of leadership. The Girl Scout Leadership Experience […]

Nonprofits walking economic high wire in Delaware

by Sheila Bravo Nonprofit Advocacy Day was celebrated in Dover on June 8 with a record turnout of nonprofit volunteers, staff and clients. It was a day of mixed emotions – pride, collegiality, and anxiety. The palpable unease created by the current forecast of a nearly $400 million funding gap in Delaware’s operating budget is a sobering […]