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New Budget, Same Investment: Nonprofits must refocus advocacy to JFC hearings

JL Haynes, Public Policy & Advocacy Manager  In the last two weeks, Governor Carney gave his State of the State address and announced the FY 2024 Recommended Budget, in which he identified the areas of strength in the State as well as areas of policy focus and investment for the coming fiscal year.  The Governor […]

DANA welcomes new Vice President of Communications and Member Relations

For Immediate Release: Wilmington, DE – The Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement (DANA) ( is pleased to announce that Mr. Howard Keener has joined their team effective December 5, 2016. In this new role, Mr. Keener will help to improve member communications, build new partnerships and to strengthen relationships with nonprofit organizations throughout Delaware. He will manage […]

Back to the Basics: Nonprofit Board Governance in the Post-Pandemic World

There is not an aspect of life that escaped the seismic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. For nonprofit organizations, the pandemic was nothing less than an existential threat. At a time when the clients of social and health services organizations needed them most, many funding sources dried up, at least temporarily, and service locations and […]

Develop a nonprofit marketing action plan in 8 steps

by Patricia V. Rivera, Hook PR & Marketing Running your nonprofit without a fully formed marketing plan is like driving without a map. Maybe you arrive at your destination, but not without detours and roadblocks. Use the right path by developing a marketing action plan. These 8 steps will get you going:    1. Know […]