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Develop a nonprofit marketing action plan in 8 steps

by Patricia V. Rivera, Hook PR & Marketing Running your nonprofit without a fully formed marketing plan is like driving without a map. Maybe you arrive at your destination, but not without detours and roadblocks. Use the right path by developing a marketing action plan. These 8 steps will get you going:    1. Know […]

Make the Most of Your DANA Membership This Summer 

by Hannah Kimani, Engagement Manager As summer kicks off, it’s the perfect time to explore all the valuable ways you and your team can maximize your DANA membership benefits. With the halfway point of the membership year right around the corner, I’d love to provide a refresher on how to maximize the benefits of your […]

State budget baffles legislators

by Chris Flood Who’s going to blink first? That’s the question as the state’s Republican and Democratic legislators enter the final hours of the 2017 legislative session. The last scheduled day of the session is Friday, June 30, and in an effort to present a balanced budget to their legislative brethren, the Joint Finance Committee voted June […]

From Passion to Profession: Turning Community Service into a Career

by Hannah Kimani, Engagement Manager A few years ago, a college-aged colleague posed an unexpected question: “What’s a nonprofit?” A surprising question considering we both worked at one. However, I could empathize, as I too had been clueless about the nonprofit sector at one point, let alone considered it as a potential career path. Nonprofits […]

Huge cuts to education, nonprofits now on table

by Matthew Albright The budget-writing Joint Finance Committee has approved more than $27 million in budget cuts to Delaware public school districts and called for eliminating all state grants-in-aid for nonprofits. Those were only the biggest of the more than $88 million in cuts JFC voted on or announced Wednesday. Wednesday’s votes mean the General Assembly […]

Sector Advancement

Sector Advancement Advancing Nonprofit Excellence in Delaware DANA’s mission to advance the entire nonprofit sector in Delaware has several elements Consulting Services Consult with us. “Membership in DANA, Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement is an absolute must and value-add for any Delaware-based nonprofit organization. We have been impressed by the visibility, collective advocacy for our […]