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From Passion to Profession: Turning Community Service into a Career

by Hannah Kimani, Engagement Manager A few years ago, a college-aged colleague posed an unexpected question: “What’s a nonprofit?” A surprising question considering we both worked at one. However, I could empathize, as I too had been clueless about the nonprofit sector at one point, let alone considered it as a potential career path. Nonprofits […]

DANA Membership Update

by Daniel Davis, Engagement Manager What a year of membership we’ve had at DANA!  In 2022, we’ve welcome almost 100 new members, bringing our membership to over 530 nonprofits around the state of Delaware.  In the last few months, over 75% of our members have utilized their membership in some meaningful way, from attending an […]

Sector Advancement

Sector Advancement Advancing Nonprofit Excellence in Delaware DANA’s mission to advance the entire nonprofit sector in Delaware has several elements Consulting Services Consult with us. “Membership in DANA, Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement is an absolute must and value-add for any Delaware-based nonprofit organization. We have been impressed by the visibility, collective advocacy for our […]

Spring Showers Bloom Legislative Actions

That is how the saying goes, right? Spring in Delaware offers rain, second winter for a few weeks, and a plethora of legislative activity. It is hard to believe that we are mid-way through the 2021 legislative session, and that despite the General Assembly not meeting in person, it has been a very busy season. […]

DEI Report

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Delaware Nonprofit Board & Leadership Diversity Study DANA DEI Report 2022 This survey exploring board and leadership diversity in Delaware nonprofits was conducted at the beginning of 2022. Collaboratively designed with representation from DANA; consultants with diversity, equity and inclusion expertise; and nonprofit leaders of color, thesurvey repeats questions from a […]

DEI Report 2022

DANA Report Highlights Diversity Profile of Delaware Nonprofit Boards And Leaders As part of its continuing efforts to provide resources to nonprofits on diversity policies and practices, DANA, the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement has released it’s 2022 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Report. The study seeks to understand the current makeup of Delaware nonprofit boards […]