Legislative Activity: Operating Budget, Grant-in-Aid, and Charitable Tax Deduction
Posted:As we make our way through June, legislative activity becomes chaotic. Bills tend to move with rapid pace between the House and the Senate, while financial decisions for the Budget bill, Bond bill and Grant-in-Aid are finalized.  With slightly more than 2 weeks left in legislative session, DANA is tracking several bills on behalf of […]
DANA’s Mission Minute: Nonprofit Sector Studies & Research 6.11.2018
Posted:Nonprofit Sector Studies & Research mentioned in this edition of DANA’s Mission Minute: State of the Sector 2018 Report Building a Race Equity Culture The New Normal: Capacity Building During a Time of Disruption
Funding fight: Nonprofits look for grant-in-aid funding
Posted:With the end of the fiscal year fast approaching, nonprofits are looking to have legislators restore funding lost last year. The future may be a bit brighter for the more than 200 agencies throughout the state that receive state funding through its grant-in-aid program. Although final numbers won’t be available until the legislature finishes its […]
Kind to Kids Foundation Names New Chair on Board
Posted:Wilmington, Del.—The Kids to Kids Foundation of Delaware announces a new board chairperson. Scott Burris, vice president of human resources Capital One, of Wilmington, will serve as an officer and chairperson on the foundation’s board. Burris has served in several capacities at Capital One since 2006, gaining extensive experience in training seminars, talent management, and […]
State’s spending plan receives mixed reactions
Posted:DOVER — The spending plan approved by the Joint Finance Committee Wednesday left Todd Mumford stunned. The budget, which totals $4.32 billion between the annual spending measure and a separate list of one-time items, drew a range of reaction after legislators finished markup. Mr. Mumford, the president of Delaware Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 10 […]
May Brings Opportunity for Nonprofit Advocacy as Legislative Activity Increases
Posted:As we move closer to the summer, temperatures rise and so does the intensity of legislative activity. The month of May holds a lot of opportunity for nonprofit sector advocacy particularly at the state level. FY 19 Budget Markup: The Joint Finance Committee will begin reviewing the Governor’s Recommended Budget and making changes to reach […]