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End of Legislative Session but #DENonprofitsSpeakUp Continues

June 30th marked the final day of the first half of the 151st General Assembly. While everyone continues to adapt to the new normal of life amidst COVID, the legislature impressively onboarded new members and forged ahead with a hybrid session. As many of you know, DANA advocated to policymakers this year to address the […]

Nonprofits Must Unite for the Final Stretch in June

Does anyone else get the excited flutter and the existential dread that comes in the time period following the end of the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) completing Budget Markup and the return of the entire General Assembly for the final leg of Legislative Session. No? Just me?Β  Well, this year has left us all with […]

Accelerator Program Details

Accelerator’s Customized Approach Walking Hand in Hand with Organizations Through Their Development The DANA Nonprofit Accelerator Program offers a unique three-year journey for existing small nonprofits dedicated to serving historically excluded communities. Our program is designed to provide continuous technical assistance, coaching, connecting, and consulting to strengthen your organization’s leadership and capacity for long-term sustainability […]

Spring Showers Bloom Legislative Actions

That is how the saying goes, right? Spring in Delaware offers rain, second winter for a few weeks, and a plethora of legislative activity. It is hard to believe that we are mid-way through the 2021 legislative session, and that despite the General Assembly not meeting in person, it has been a very busy season. […]


DANA Nonprofit Accelerator Empowering Change, Amplifying Impact Empowering Small Nonprofitsto Scale Their Impact Are you a nonprofit organization serving historically excluded communities in Delaware? Do you wish to scale your impact, strengthen your leadership, and enhance your organizational capacity? Look no further! The DANA Nonprofit Accelerator Program is here to support and guide you on […]

Take Time to Retreat, Reflect, and Plan

by Sheila Bravo Recently, I found myself reflecting on the whirlwind pace of our work.  Just a few decades ago, we relied on phone and in-person meetings to deliberate and collaborate, granting us time for reflection, with responses taking hours or even days.  Today it can take seconds. This accelerated pace compresses our timelines, often […]