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June DEFAC Revenue Projections Final with Grant-in-Aid on the Horizon

Remember when we thought April and May were the longest months of this unique year?Β  Well, in case you were not near your calendar we are at the midpoint of June.Β  As nonprofits this is a critical time of year, we are watching the state budget process intently given what it means for our organizations’ […]

Take Time to Retreat, Reflect, and Plan

by Sheila Bravo Recently, I found myself reflecting on the whirlwind pace of our work.  Just a few decades ago, we relied on phone and in-person meetings to deliberate and collaborate, granting us time for reflection, with responses taking hours or even days.  Today it can take seconds. This accelerated pace compresses our timelines, often […]

Advocacy Update: June Brings Budget Season to Delaware

How is it already June?Β  It is disorienting to be engaging in the legislative process so common at this time of year, but to be doing so by virtual means. As discussed, it is important to remember that we are all navigating the challenges associated with the public policy process without having in-person contact with […]

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy DANA, the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement is committed to protecting the privacy of its website visitors in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.  Information may be collected from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication. The information collected may be […]

End of Session Wrap Up

by J.L. Haynes, Public Policy & Advocacy Manager After a busy legislative session, the first half of General Assembly 152 ended on Friday, June 30th with exciting fanfare, swearing in of a new Speaker of the House, and electing new House Majority Leadership.Β Β  Representative Peter Schwartzkopf announced that he would be stepping down as Speaker […]

Cyber-security webinar aimed at nonprofits

Cyber attacks are costing business around the world an estimated $400 billion a year, an expense that’s onlyΒ expected to keep growing. Major corporations and small businesses are not the only enterprises at risk of losing valuable personal data andΒ finances to hackers. Nonprofits are just as vulnerable, particularly given their relatively limited resources to protect themselves […]