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Conversations with the Community: atTAcK addiction

Attack Addiction’s Mission is to educate and empower our communities against the disease of addiction and to raise awareness about the disease of addiction. Through educating communities, assisting families in their quest for information and supporting those in recovery, atTAcK addiction seeks to remove the stigma of addiction by affecting positive change in Delaware. atTAcK […]

For 24 hours, Delaware nonprofits seek new connections

byΒ Esteban Parra Delaware’s nonprofit sector continues to limp its way out of the recession, leaving some unable to hire moreΒ people, find money to fix buildings and keep up with demand for services that continue to increase. Even popular organizations, such as PAWS for People, which provides therapeutic pet visits to people in theΒ community, has felt […]

Cyber-security webinar aimed at nonprofits

Cyber attacks are costing business around the world an estimated $400 billion a year, an expense that’s onlyΒ expected to keep growing. Major corporations and small businesses are not the only enterprises at risk of losing valuable personal data andΒ finances to hackers. Nonprofits are just as vulnerable, particularly given their relatively limited resources to protect themselves […]

DANA sets presentation on overtime laws for nonprofits Sept. 30

The Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement has set a presentation on overtime laws forΒ nonprofit organizations from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Friday, Sept. 30, at the CHEER Center inΒ Georgetown. The Department of Labor has issued revised overtime regulations that will apply to allΒ organizations including nonprofits starting Thursday, Dec. 1. The revisions reflect a significantΒ change in […]

Develop a nonprofit marketing action plan in 8 steps

by Patricia V. Rivera, Hook PR & Marketing Running your nonprofit without a fully formed marketing plan is like driving without a map. Maybe you arrive at your destination, but not without detours and roadblocks. Use the right path by developing a marketing action plan. These 8 steps will get you going:    1. Know […]

With Budget Markup Upon Us the Time to Act Is Now

Over the course of the last 3 months the Joint Finance Committee has been diligently walking through the Governor’s Recommended Budget for FY 2020, hearing presentations from each agency. Β I know many of our members have taken the time out to address the JFC at these hearing regarding the work our state’s nonprofits are doing […]