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Good > Better > Great

How many organizations have invested significant time and money in developing a strategic plan that ends up in a drawer until someone says, “We need a new strategic plan”?  Too many. (Click to read more).

New Initiative to Shed Light on Nonprofit Sector to Facilitate Collaboration and Resource Prioritization

For Immediate Release: WILMINGTON – The Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement (DANA) ( and the Delaware Grantmaker’s Association (DGA) ( are pleased to announce their partnership in developing a data resource that will provide comprehensive information about the Delaware nonprofit sector. Nonprofit, foundation and government leaders have long sought a means to understand which nonprofits are providing what […]

New look to the art of fundraising

by Ashton Brown DOVER — In an ever-changing world, philanthropic giving can be unpredictable. So, if nonprofit organizations don’t adapt to the changes it could spell trouble in the future. That’s why United Way is hosting an online fundraiser. It’s called Do More 24. It will take place on Thursday for more than 200 nonprofits across the […]

Delaware Nonprofits find new resources among each other at DANA conference

The catalyst to transform Delaware’s nonprofit organizations may come from a fundamental shift in the questions asked by their leadership, according to speakers at the Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement’s (DANA) Annual Conference last week. More than 275 members of the state’s nonprofit community attended the conference at the Chase Center on the Riverfront. Keynote speaker Hildy Gottlieb shared an innovative method […]

Volunteers Can Be the Lifeblood of an Organization

by Dan Davis, Engagement Manager Many of our nonprofit organizations have “big” missions, and visions for the future of the community that cannot be achieved by paid staff alone. There is just too much that needs to be done!  That is why volunteers are the backbone of many nonprofit organizations.  Many nonprofit professionals have a […]