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Nonprofits fret over state funding cuts

DOVER — Many Delaware nonprofits are being pressed by a decrease in state funding. Some are reaching their limits, raising questions about what will happen should they not receive additional dollars in 2018. Every year, the General Assembly directly allocates tens of millions in state government funding to nonprofits through what is known as grant-in-aid. That […]

Legislative Session is Over – Nonprofit Advocacy Must Continue

by Melissa Hopkins, Executive Vice President of Sector Advancement After what felt like an exceptionally long legislative session, we have reached the final day of the second half of the 151st General Assembly. This year, the legislature did a remarkable job of moving back to an in-person environment while maintaining virtual engagement opportunities. DANA advocated […]

Governor Announces FY 2020 Budget

Last week Governor Carney unveiled his proposed budget for FY 2020.  DANA held a Budget update on Monday, January 28th with presentations by: Bert Scoglietti from the Office of Management & Budget (OMB), Michelle Stent from the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS), and Representatives Kevin Hensley and Rebecca Byrd from the Byrd Group. We […]

On the Road to Diversity: Is Delaware Nonprofit Leadership Reflective of the Community?

Sheila Bravo, President & CEO DANA (Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement) What does diversity mean for a nonprofit’s board and leadership? Diversity reflects many different characteristics that can include gender, age, race, ethnicity, education, professional experience, physical disabilities, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status. Diversity will be specific to an individual organization based on its mission, the […]

At DANA conference, Delaware nonprofits find new resources among each other

The catalyst to transform Delaware’s nonprofit organizations may not be an influx of money or resources, but rather a fundamental shift in the questions asked by their leadership. The Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement centered its annual conference June 14 on the theme of catalytic leadership, keynote speaker Hildy Gottlieb’s innovative method of reshaping questions in order to bring out the best in people and situations. […]

Nonprofits flood Legislative Hall, call for restoration of state grant money

by Karl Baker Scores of nonprofit-sector lobbyists and employees flooded into Legislative Hall in Dover on Thursday, expressing outrage over the elimination of Delaware’s chief charity-support program. The state’s ongoing budget battle claimed as a causality the popular grants-in-aid program on Wednesday after the Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee could not find dollars to fund any programs beyond base […]